Sailing the Waves of Change: Lauren Di Meglio's Journey from EFWA to Eco-Tourism Success

In a world where the buzzwords 'sustainability' and 'conscious consumerism' are increasingly taking center stage, there's a rising star on the horizon whose journey serves as an inspiring testament to the power of youthful passion and environmental stewardship. Meet Lauren Di Meglio, a 22-year-old dynamo whose story weaves together eco-tourism, sustainable fashion, and a profound love for the marine world. Freshly graduated from Curtin University with a Commerce degree, Lauren's journey is nothing short of remarkable, and it all started with a runway.

The Runway that Changed Everything

In 2017, Lauren was confidently navigating the realms of modelling and the runway. Then, like the serendipitous turning of tides, a modelling call for Eco-Fashion Week Australia (EFWA) introduced her to a world of sustainable fashion that would forever alter her path. EFWA, with its spotlight on eco-conscious designs, was a revelation to this 16-year-old, an idea that hadn't crossed her path before. The event was a call to action that she, along with her mother, couldn't resist.

For a teenager who had often indulged in fast fashion shopping with friends, the lessons she imbibed from EFWA and its visionary founder Zuhal Kuvan-Mills were eye-opening. Lauren's journey mirrored the evolution of her perspectives on fashion and sustainability. She came to understand the harsh realities of fashion pollution, the merits of upcycled fashion, and the intricate craftsmanship involved in creating sustainable garments. This newfound awareness transformed her into a conscientious consumer, pondering whether to support corporate giants that mass-produce low-quality items or to champion individual artists who craft their designs with unwavering passion.

Sustainable Fashion: The Game Changer

The impact of EFWA's sustainable fashion ethos on Lauren was profound. EFWA's mission is not only to entertain but also to educate and promote the significance of shopping for quality, slow fashion. This paradigm shift in her perspective encouraged her to reassess her shopping habits and make more conscious decisions. These decisions, she realised, have far-reaching impacts, not only socially and economically but also environmentally. She became a staunch advocate of supporting local businesses and embracing slow fashion, understanding that although these items might carry a higher price tag, their quality and lasting appeal far outweigh the transient trends of fast fashion. Lauren's transformation illustrates the ripple effect that conscious consumerism can have, not just on individual choices but on the industry and the environment.

Where Fashion Meets Eco-Tourism

Lauren's journey doesn't stop at sustainable fashion. It beautifully intersects with the world of eco-tourism, creating a harmonious blend of her passions. She firmly believes that one cannot work in the eco-industry while ignoring another. Thus, her educational journey towards a Commerce degree with majors in Tourism & Hospitality and Events was not just a personal choice; it was a commitment to preserving and conserving the natural environment around us. While her current studies might not seem directly connected to the fashion industry, they inevitably impact one another. The overarching principles of eco-fashion and eco-tourism align seamlessly. Both underscore the value of supporting local businesses to ensure the delivery of quality products and services.

How EFWA Paved the Way for an Eco-Tourism Trailblazer

Lauren's involvement with EFWA has left an indelible mark on her career path. Her time with the event led her to various Western Australian towns and locations, exposing her to diverse agricultural practices and ways of life, from rural communities to bustling cities. She observed the conscious decisions that individuals made to benefit not only themselves but also their environment. These insights left her intrigued, igniting her interest in tourism development.

Her academic journey has been a complementary companion to her passion for eco-tourism. The units covering tourism development and conservation were her favorites, nurturing her understanding of how she could make a meaningful impact through her chosen career. She began tailoring her assignments to marine-based destinations, drawing upon her knowledge of the shipping industry to deepen her engagement with the subject matter. The marriage of her interests and aspirations was sealed in her pursuit of eco-tourism.

Inspiration for Aspiring Eco-Champions

As she embarks on her journey towards eco-tourism, Lauren has valuable advice for aspiring individuals seeking to make a positive impact on the environment through their careers, whether in fashion or eco-tourism. She encourages them to remember that change often begins with a single step. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the challenges posed by industries like fashion, but it's crucial to focus on taking small, meaningful steps in the right direction. These incremental actions, day by day, add up to make a substantial difference.

Lauren emphasises the importance of aligning your studies with your passion. By researching and studying areas that truly resonate with your heart, you can drive home the lessons learned in the classroom to your everyday life and vice versa. The mutual exchange of insights between your academic pursuits and personal experiences enriches your journey and keeps your motivation high.

Ultimately, Lauren's philosophy is simple and profound: if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. Her journey, from modelling on the EFWA runway to carving a path in eco-tourism, showcases the transformative power of a young heart that beats for sustainability and environmental consciousness.

EFWA's Enduring Impact

EFWA's enduring influence on Lauren's journey cannot be understated. It has been a monumental chapter in her life, a source of invaluable life lessons, and a platform to connect with incredible individuals from across the globe. The friendships formed with Zuhal, the event's founder, and her family, as well as fellow advocates who share her passion for sustainability, remain treasured. These relationships, nurtured through a shared commitment to eco-conscious living, continue to inspire Lauren's journey.

Lauren Di Meglio's voyage, from the shimmering runways of EFWA to the promising realms of eco-tourism, is a shining example of the transformative power of youthful passion and the profound impact of choosing sustainability. Hers is a journey that challenges us all to consider our choices, for in the small actions we take lies the potential for monumental change. As she sets sail on her path to protect and preserve the natural world around us, Lauren Di Meglio's story reminds us that we each have the power to be a force for positive environmental change.

In Lauren's journey, we find the hope and inspiration to be the change we wish to see in the world - a world where sustainable fashion and eco-tourism intertwine to create a more harmonious and conscious future.

Read the full interview about Lauren Di Meglio’s journey with EFWA at Green & Beyond Mag.

Written by Shoummo Ahmed, Editor, Green & Beyond Mag.